Good Price Portable EMG/EP System, EMG Electrodes
This portable EMG/EP system is highly compact professional PC-based electromyogram, integrating all functions: EMG, NCS, and EP (EP is optional). It transmits data through USB cable, easy to connect and operate, suitable to carry from hospital to hospital or patient's house
2 channel portable EMG machine
4 channel portable EMG machine
2 channel portable EMG machine with EP function
4 channel portable EMG machine with EP function
1. Amplifier: 2 or 4 channels;
2. USB data transmission: high speed and stable;
3. Smaller and all-in-one design makes it convenient to use.
Examination protocols including:
Electromyography (EMG)
Motor Unit Potential (MUP)
Interference phase (IP)
Scanning EMG
Nerve Conductive Studies (NCS)
Motor NCV (MCV)
Sensory NCV (SCV)
Short segment conduction (SSCT)
Repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS)
Blink Reflex (BR)
Sympathetic Skin Response (SSR)
Evoked potential (EP)
Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEP): USEP; LESEP; TSEP; SCEP
Acoustic evoked potential (AEP): BAEP, MAEP, LAEP, EcochG, 40Hz
Visual evoked potential (VEP): PRVEP, FVEP, ERG, EOG
Cognitive Evoked Potentials (ERP): P300
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